0011 American Civil War: Fire & Fury 01

American Civil War: Fire and Fury – 0011

  • Date: May 14, 2016
  • Location: Helena First Baptist
  • American Civil War
  • Scenario location: Plantation Take over.

This was my first time every playing this game. I will be honest, I was not expecting much out of it. I was pleasantly surprised. The rules are complex but not that much compared with other games I’ve played.

SIDENOTE: Learning Wargaming rules expands your mind and once you get down the core mechanics for wargaming it makes it easier to pick up other ones and learn them. I recommend Youtube to lean the learning curve in your direction. 🙂 

Since this what an intro I decided not to keep track of every round.

The battle was between Wally and Mr. Bill. I mostly observed and got to play the last round.ACW FF 01


Wally’s “troops” were flat, to say the least. He didn’t have miniatures but the substitute was not bad. It did its job. Wally’s and Bill’s troops are fighting across the waterway. While Bill moves his other troops to advance across the the bridge.

Bill’s troops moving into the plantation area while cannon fire goes back and forth.

The game ended like this. Wally Lining up his troops to take down Bills as they entered while the remaining troops of Mr. Bill’s preparing to cross the bring. Needless to say I think Mr. Bill would have own.


Over all a good game. There are rules in ACW: F&F for troops being scared and retreated or being SUPER motivated and charging through. That is one aspect of he game I enjoyed. In other games most people keep pounding their opponent until everyone’s dead. This one puts the retreat factor in the names of the dice.

Good change of pace. I dont know If I wold ever get into this game to buy miniatures but I would not mind playing it again.

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